How to create a truly authentic home…

Home renovation in Perth Hills by Interior Designer Linda Woods

Classic country style home renovation, Perth Hills


One of my greatest values as a Designer is AUTHENTICITY.  It’s a constant driver of mine and a common term used by many new clients when describing their ideal home.

 So what do we mean by AUTHENTIC? 

Let’s ask Merriam Webster,,,

  • not false or imitation : real, actual

  • true to one's own personality, spirit, or character, eg. is sincere and authentic with no pretensions

  • conforming to an original so as to reproduce essential features, eg. an authentic reproduction of a colonial farmhouse

 Sounds wonderful doesn’t it?  So how do we create a truly AUTHENTIC home? Here’s a few tips…

Modern Farmhouse Interior Design for a new home in Swan Valley by Linda Woods Design

Modern Farmhouse style interiors in the Swan Valley. (Project & Photography by Linda Woods Design)

  1. Keep it real!

Have you ever watched a home reno show on TV and thought – that looks great but how would you live in that space??

An AUTHENTIC home has to be real! There’s no point creating a showcase that you and your family can’t really “live” in.  It screams fake! By live I mean – work, rest and play at your absolute best.

Your ideal home will function in a way that’s going to support your day to day living and foster both harmony and inspiration. 

Some examples - thoughtful floor plans designed to accommodate the unique way your family lives, furniture designed for true comfort and layouts that bring everyone together, storage systems that support chaos and order.

Modern Farmhouse style home renovation and interior design in the south-west by Linda Woods Design

A relaxing and timeless home renovation in south-west WA. (Project by Linda Woods Design, Photography by Gathering Light)


2. Be true to yourself

This is all about understanding your unique HOME-STYLE – think Place, Personality and Aesthetic Preferences.  It’s not enough to latch onto the latest trend and pull a few images off Pinterest. Your unique and personal style is much more interesting than that!

When you discover your AUTHENTIC style it will be an original, like no one else.  It can’t be – you’re a one-of-a-kind and the stories and images in your mind belong to only you.

At the outset of every project, the first step is identifying my client’s Home-Style and every client is different.  I’ve never had a “copy”.  Your style is a unique blend of many influences and it takes time to recognise what you absolutely love!

Modern Country Home Renovation and Interior Design in South West by Linda Woods Design



When super sleuthing to discover your own wonderfully unique HOME-STYLE pay attention to fabrics and textiles that you’re strongly attracted to. Focus on colour and texture - but especially PATTERN! This will tell you alot about where you sit on the Modern to Traditional scale.

(Project by Linda Woods Design, Photography by Gathering Light)


3. Design Essentials

This is a great aspect of AUTHENTICITY and gets me excited just thinking about it (go figure!).  Just like Messrs Merriam & Webster say – “conforming to an original so as to reproduce essential features”.

We carry in our minds symbols that help us (and everyone else) to easily understand and recognise the world around us. 

Some examples…

The Modern Farmhouse style caught on so quickly partly because of it’s memorable features – 45 degree roof pitch, gables, weatherboard siding, vertical windows, etc. We see all these parts and our minds conjure up more than just a building – it’s a lifestyle, a place, a dream.

 If you love Modern Farmhouse but your design and building team don’t understand the “symbols” – no matter how beautiful the vision in your mind, your home isn’t going to match it!

Modern Farmhouse Home Designer Perth

Modern Cottage extension in Bayswater. (Project & Photography by Linda Woods Design)


So if AUTHENTICITY is important to you - laid out for real living, expressing your unique personal story and thoughtfully designed with attention to detail - we are your perfect partner for this exciting journey!

linda woods - interior designer

Want to discover your Home-Style?

I can’t wait to learn your design story and create a beautiful vision for your dream home. Let’s get started!



How to feel 100% confident before you sign off!


How to create a NO-REGRETS dream home!