How to feel 100% confident before you sign off!

A modern farmhouse renovation and interiors in country western australia

Modern farmhouse renovation, Dardanup (Project by Linda Woods Design, Photo by Gathering Light)


Hi Home Lovers!

I want to share with you a step I take with new clients to help you create a NO REGRETS dream home!

We’re a full service design firm offering Building Design and Interiors.  With our strong Interiors profile, clients often approach me who are already working with an architect or building designer. They’re seeking specialised Interior Design services and I’m happy to join the team - I love a good collaboration!

They’ll often have a set of preliminary drawings, maybe already in Council for Planning Approval (we still have time…), or sometimes even construction drawings (aaaahhhh!! I’ll explain my angst in a moment).

New country style home design in Perth hills

New country style home design in Perth Hills. (Project by Linda Woods Design)


I … AM… AMAZED… at how often clients don’t really “KNOW” the drawings they’ve signed off on and therefore - don’t “KNOW” what the final built outcome is actually going to look and feel like.  And why should they?

That’s OUR job as designers, not just to design but COMMUNICATE.

I regularly find myself transposing floor plans and elevations into real time with a tape measure and painter’s tape – showing them the actual layout and scale of their future home…

  • where will future walls actually sit in relation to where they are now?

  • how high are the windows and what sort of views can they expect?

  • how high is the raked ceiling in comparison to their current ceiling height?

  • how big is their future kitchen really going to be?

Clients can be crushed when they realise just how small their “dreamy” island counter is actually going to be!   

3D modelling at the Design Concept stage. (Project by Linda Woods Design)


We ALWAYS work with 3D models – both at the concept and final drawings stage.  But sometimes visuals aren’t enough. Some clients are very literal minded and need to see things mapped out in real time. For example…

Do you know how the LOOK & FEEL changes with …

-            2.4m high ceilings versus 2.7m or 3m?

-            2.1m high doorways and windows versus 2.4m or 2.7m?

-            0.9m wide hallway versus 1.1m? 

The list could go on forever!


A beautifully designed home is full of intentional choices.  



Before you sign-off on floor plans and elevations - get your tape measure out! Most drawings will be at 1-100 scale which means every 1cm on your tape measure equals 1m in real life.

Use your home as a reference point - compare dimensions to what you’re living in now and be sure that’s what you had in mind.


So if you’re a literal person, a visual thinker or detail oriented … you need to keep on asking questions until you feel 100% confident you know not just the 2-dimensional layout but the 3-dimensional scale of your home. 

Ask yourself - “how well do I know my home design?” - before you sign-off!

Linda XO

A modern farmhouse home renovation and interiors in country Western Australia

Modern farmhouse interiors with raked ceiling. (Project by Linda Woods Design, Photo by Gathering Light)


If you want to create a NO REGRETS dream home and feel super-confident and informed along the way, we’re your perfect partner!

linda woods - interior designer

Want to discover your Home-Style?

I can’t wait to learn your design story and create a beautiful vision for your dream home. Let’s get started!



How to create a truly authentic home…